Hey! Long time, no post! Have you been wondering where I've been? Of course you have!
LOL! The
fam and I took a wild and wonderful trip to Chicago. Being the good blogger that I am, I loaded my camera into the docking station to charge the battery before leaving. A
blogger's camera always has to be ready, you know. Well, guess where my camera was when I arrived in Chicago.
Yep! At home in the docking station!!! No matter, though...everyone else in the family had their cameras, so I just use those.
I'm actually starting this travelogue with the second part the trip, since the pictures from the first part are on Cabana Boy's laptop.

What's a trip to Chicago without an elevator ride to the top of Sears Tower?

What a view! We were very fascinated by the spider outside the window of the observation deck. What the heck was he doing way up there?

It's much better to be safe and sound inside like Blondie.

Our future
DIL, Dream Girl, is a humanities major and enjoyed going to the museums. Soccer Guy did a great job acting as though he really loved going too. We made a quick stop at the Chicago Institute of Art and then Blondie and I hit the Magnificent Mile for a little window shopping (no one can actually afford that stuff, can they?) while Cabana Boy and the Ballerina hit the beach of Lake Michigan. College Girl was at the Field Museum.

Gotta love the Hershey's store! The smell is heavenly!!! I think I got some pictures of their amazing looking cupcakes that I'll share next time.

Here we are in front of the Chicago
LDS temple.

Dream Girl and Soccer Guy on the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier.

Last Friday we enjoyed a Chicago White
Sox vs. Colorado Rockies game at U.S. Cellular Field. For Soccer Guy, this trip was all about the ball games. You'll see pictures of the Cubs game in my next post. Typically, we would have cheered for the Rockies, but decided to root for the home team this time around. Safer that way, ya know?

This is the Ballerina
ten minutes into the game. Yep. Sound asleep.

Here she is later with me and Cabana Boy. You can see that she woke up after a home run was hit three row above us. Boy, that sure gets the blood flowing!!! I was afraid it was coming right to me and the only thing I could think of is that a ball flying that fast would certainly ruin my nails. So ya know what I did? Crouched down and covered my head. That's what I did. Good thing it didn't hit me!
lol! Another home run was hit three rows below us.
You won't see pictures of Soccer Boy and Dream Girl at this game. They had the sweet seats 18 rows behind home plate. How does that work? We pay for the tickets and they get the good seats.
Hmmm..... I need to talk to the management.

Blondie and College Girl contemplate the finer points of baseball. Or they're thinking about boys. You decide.

On Saturday we took a walk down to
Bleeding Heart Bakery. Now I see why they get so much love from
Cupcakes Take the Cake blog! I think it took us nearly 20 minutes to decide what we were going to order. Dream Girl and Blondie are "modeling" the Chocolate Slut cupcake and Raspberry Lemon tart. College Girl, Blondie, Dream Girl and I split them both four ways and took a HUGE lemon bar back for the other three to share. BTW, it was a mile each way to and from the bakery, so I'm pretty certain that we walked off all of those
calories. Don't ya think? Yes, I think so, too.

We had a great time at the Museum of Science and Industry. The Ballerina and Blondie both made personalized toys that they brought home with them.

On our final night we stumbled across a fabulous Italian restaurant called
Mario's. I ordered my favorite
Margherita pizza and was not disappointed! The Ballerina ordered angel hair pasta with Alfredo sauce. It, without a doubt, was the best Alfredo sauce that I have EVER tasted. I think I'd go back to Chicago for no other reason that to eat at Mario's!

This is the end of our stay in Chicago. Cabana Boy got held up in security screening and the Ballerina and Blondie found these pint sized animal chairs where they sat and waited.
After a week away, it sure was nice to finally arrive home. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed, right?
More to come.....