Friday, August 31, 2007
Once Upon a Time

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Yesterday's News
Me: "Uh, sweetie, that was a right turn."
Blondie: "Oh [pause as the wheels in her brain start turning], yeah." Giggle, giggle, giggle.
Anyway, drinking the stuff with a straw sends it right over your tongue and straight to the back of your mouth. Great idea, Blondie!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Wedding, A Quilt, and a Gazillion Tomatoes
And here's the finished product.
Before I forget...if you haven't already, make sure you stop by and visit my friend, Kristie, at her new blog...Quilt Harvest.
Now I've gotta run...the tomatoes are calling me!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
On Her Way...
Honestly, I wasn't sure that her dad was going to let her go. Last night when he came home from work I could tell that something was seriously wrong. I knew that things hadn't started out on the right foot for him that morning, but something just didn't seem right when I walked into the family room that evening and found him sitting in a stupor. After a bit of prodding he finally confessed that he was having a difficult time thinking about his girl leaving the security of our home and heading off into the big, cruel world.
I guess the fact that our son moved out of the house and into an apartment last night didn't help the situation at all. Yes, we knew the day was coming and that it wouldn't be easy, but now that the time has finally arrived we've found it harder than we ever imagined. Not only does the house seem empty, so do our hearts. Let's face it...parenting isn't for sissies!
I know that they're both going to be just fine

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
First Day of School
Monday, August 20, 2007
Do you smell smoke?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Hotter Than Hades

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Calorie Free Dessert

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
What Once Was Old is New Again
My family thinks it's kind of funny that I buy nice wool sweaters, take 'em home, cut 'em up, wash 'em, cut 'em up some more and then sew 'em back together. Hmmm.....sounds a little like another hobby of mine. lol!
By the way, I was a good girl and went back to physical therapy today. They put me through the ringer again, but since my shoulder is feeling a lot better I won't complain.
Monday, August 06, 2007
A pain in the.....

Thursday, August 02, 2007
Time To Relax

- rosemary roast beef (which is quick and easy to make in the crock pot)
- pesto
- parsely dip
- potato goo, and
- a couple of flavored vinegars
But the favorites things were the lavender eye pillows that I made for each attendee. The gentle weight of the flax and the relaxing scent of the lavender helps relieve stress, tension, and headaches. Now who couldn't use one of those?
What?! You'd love to make one for yourself and all of your dearest friends?
Well, yes...I'd be happy to give you instructions! Here you go.....
You start with two 3.5" x 8.5" pieces of fabric (cotton, satin or silk). You can cut them in the typical eye pillow shape, if you prefer, but it's not necessary.
Now stitch the right sides together using a 1/4" seam allowance and leaving a 1.5" opening to turn. Turn right side out and press.
Now this is the fun part.....combine 1/2 cup flax seeds and 1/4 cup dried lavender flowers (you can find both at your local health food store). Ahhh...doesn't that smell nice? Using a funnel, fill the pillow with the flax seeds and lavender. You can use a funnel from your kitchen or make one by rolling up a piece of paper. The lavender can sometimes be stubborn, so you may need to force it down the hole with a pencil or something similar.
The last thing to do is stitch the opening closed, either by hand or by machine.
Now lay down, put your feet up and enjoy a few relaxing minutes by yourself. If you prefer something cool over your eyes, store your pillow inside a plastic zipper bag in the freezer. That's a real treat!
Now wasn't that simple?