Every year, the day before Thanksgiving, a Salt Lake City radio talk show host discusses those foods that we "just have to have" to make our Thanksgiving meal complete.

Not a year goes by that the controversial candied yams aren't the major focus of the discussion. Over the years one thing has become crystal clear...you either love candied yams or you hate them! Honestly, though, I didn't need to listen to the radio to figure that one out. We go the rounds each and every year at our house! I happen to belong to the LOVE camp, while my husband can't stomach the thought of eating them. That doesn't seem to be a problem, though. We have a great arrangement. I make them and he doesn't eat them. You know what that means...more for me!!!
Now I want to hear from you...
First, please give your answer on the poll to the right.
Then leave a comment about that that one item is that you must have to make your Thanksgiving dinner complete!
This is the only dish that I absolutely MUST bring to my Mom's house for Thanksgiving every year. I got my recipe from a TV show I used to watch early in my marriage, and it's become a tradition ever since :)
ReplyDeleteI love candied Yams, but my husband cannot stand them. So I make a small batch for me and hope one day my kids will learn to like them too.
ReplyDeleteLet me start by stating that I love desserts . . . sweets of all kinds for that matter *s* That said - the thought of marshmallows on top of potatoes (any flavor) is more than my mind can grasp. I think marshmallows are great, love me some s'mores. Potatoes are like a wonder food - sweet or regular. I just don't want to see them fraternizing in a casserole on my dinner table. I was able to pass this philosophy down to my daughter and poor Hubby who was raised to think this dish is a good plan is left to fend for himself at office pot lucks and neighborhood get-togethers. Now about those giblets in the gravy . . . *s*
ReplyDeleteI echo Libby's sentiments re: marshmallows and potatoes fraternizing... I can do without! The 2 things I "need" at Thanksgiving are cranberry sauce and a good stuffing to go along with the turkey. Actually, have you ever done twice-baked sweet potatoes? I did one year--they were a hit. But usually I don't have the time and energy left to even think about it. I should get my program in order for next year and do them ahead of time to re-heat on Tday 2008. That would work!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to all
Linda H
I'll pass on the yams. All the marshmellows and brown sugar in the world can't fix 'em. A must have at our TG is chestnut dressing in the turkey. Also green jello with pears and cream cheese. My family has a list of requirements. Hope you have a wonderful day! (I almost called to see if you wanted to take in my granddaughter, but all is well-thanks anyway!)
ReplyDeleteWell, we compromised by making ours a little differently. Cook sweet potatoes and peel the skin off when they cool.
ReplyDeleteSlice them, add a dab of butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar and cinnamon! Delicious!!
I have marshmallows on hand and sprinkle them on about half the potatoes.
Hey... what about sweet potato pie? I've never heard anyone complain about mixing whipped cream and potatoes! LOL.
Our "have to have" is turkey AND ham.
None of my in-laws (or hubby) will touch it, so I make a couple all just for myself every year. At least they can't complain that I don't contribute! :)
ReplyDeleteThanksgiving wouldn't be the same with out stuffing. I LoVe yams without the marshmallows. I love mashed potatoes and gravy. Turkey. Rolls. But the stuffing rounds it all out.
ReplyDeleteThe foods that mean the holiday to me? My mom's stuffing (I make it these days) and my grandmother's jello recipe that's been doctored a bit. Without those two -- it's just not the same. I've tried!
ReplyDeleteWell, it looks like I'm the only one that likes the seet potoese with marhmellows. But DH doesn't so I don't make them.Didn't have a choice in your poll.
ReplyDeleteIt's gotten so that the thing I have to have besides the Turkey and shrimp is lettuce salad with my homemade dressing. It's a Pa. Dutch thing. Something my MIL always made for sunday dinner and of course mashed potatoes.
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without cranberries. I'll take them anyway I can get them but love the cranberry relish with nuts and apples.
ReplyDeleteI also love them sweet potatoes, even the mashed ones, with marshmellows. We have them at our house because we are about half and half when it comes to liking them.
We have your same predicament (or advantage?)...hubby and his family dislike the yams; the girls and I can't get enough of them! Although your pictured version would be splendid, our version of Karrey's Yams is more of a decadent pecan-topped custard.
ReplyDeleteThe Thanksgiving Go-To? Simply cranberries. Cranberry everything. I made my own sauce for the first time this year! I could just sit down with a bowlful and a spoon of that crazy stuff!
Oh--and cousins are sorely missed at our Thanksgivings. *sigh* Brielle (9) can't get over the fact that we have no "Kids Table". They are included with us adults. Bummer, huh?
ReplyDeleteWell, as usual, I guess I'm odd, because I can take them or leave them. I didn't vote because there wasn't a middle ground! LOL! Since my husband hates them, I don't make them. Besides the turkey, which is pretty much a given unless you're Sharon at Red Geranium Cottage, I always make stuffing--it's just about the only time of the year we get stuffing, so it's a must.
ReplyDeleteActually, I'm with Kim on this one - I can take them or leave them. My preference would be for yams or sweet potato without the marshmallow, but whatever. Not that I really eat Thanksgiving dinner any more, living here (UK). But if I did, I think it would be pumpkin pie I have to have. And I couldn't make a turkey without my mother's stuffing, so when we have turkey for Christmas (which isn't every year), I do that stuffing. Tonight, we had bacon and leek risotto. I forgot it was Thanksgiving today, actually. :) Happy Turkey Day! Here's wishing you just the right amount of leftovers.
ReplyDeleteWe make our Candied Yams a bit different but we always have them. I don't care for them but it's a must have for my Sweetie. Now, I MUST have stuffing - YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! LOL
ReplyDeleteI missed out on your poll, but I like candied yams, husband does not. I have also found that I like the mashed yams with nuts and the topping on them, they are really good.
ReplyDeleteCandied yams are yummy, but it's not a tradition at our house, so I make them every once in awhile. I cannot have Thanksgiving without mashed tatoes and gravy! Oh, and cranberry sauce. Boring, aren't I? I had no internet service over the weekend, or I would have participated in your poll.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine T-Day without yams of some kind. As a matter of fact, lots of T-days my DD and I both do yams, she makes a casserole and I make candied yams. We love them both.
ReplyDeletebesides turkey and dressing and gravy, we always have green beans, potato salad, corn, squash caserole, collard greens and broccoli casserole. And lots of different desserts. we are all big eaters, but we also have enough leftovers for each family.
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, and I have never tried candied yams. It does sound a bit odd, but you never know until you try it. This thread reminds me of an annual discussion that is had on a beagle email list I've been on for 10 years or so. Every Easter it's I love Peeps V I hate Peeps. We dont' have them either, but one year a lady from the US posted some to Oz, and we shared them around the Aussie members of the list (by post). I have to say that I wasn't too impressed, but some people adore them. Sounds like much the same story as the yams.
ReplyDeleteI think I might try the cinnamon almonds though - I love cinnamon on everything!