Poor Shadow. That's not really his name. His name is simply Shadow, but rarely do we say his name without prefacing it with the sad condition in which he lives.
Poor Shadow came to live with us about ten or eleven years ago. I can't remember exactly. For well over a month he came and sat outside the sliding glass door to our patio. In spite of the fact that he really wanted to come inside I made him stay out and threatened my children so that they would not feed him or love him. We already had a cat, thank you very much and Shadow (which wasn't his name at the time) actually belonged to our neighbors across the street. So each day, sometimes several times a day, I would make my children carry him across the street and return him to his rightful home.
Day after day Poor Shadow would show up at our door, until one night the weatherman reminded all pet owners to bring their animals inside because of the dangerously low temperatures. As I was locking up the house that night, there sat Poor Shadow peering in through the sliding glass door. Now, although I didn't want another pet (or a fight with my neighbor) I took pity on Poor Shadow and brought him in for the night so that he wouldn't freeze to death in the cold. As you can imagine, the rest is history.
To say that Poor Shadow is a nervous cat is somewhat of an understatment. We assume that before he came to live with us that he must have been abused by his former owners, because even after living with our family as long as he has, he still gets frightened and runs for cover whenever we happen to pass him in the hallway.
Last week I had to take Poor Shadow to see the vet. He was obviously in a lot of pain and we couldn't figure out why. To make a long story short and a lot less GROSS, Poor Shadow had to be sedated (don't tell your 10 year old that they "put him to sleep" for the procedure...that was terrifying!) and a gloved finger had to go in the direction that things usually come out.
In spite of the gumpy looking picture above (that was taken moments before I threw Poor Shadow off my bed so that I could make it), Poor Shadow is feeling much better now. As a matter of fact, I might even go so far as to call him Happy Shadow. Well, I was going to until Cute Mia, who was prending to love him, went up and bit him on the neck.
Poor Shadow. Poor, Poor Shadow.