Friday, March 09, 2007

Snowmobiling at Daniels Summit

I don't enjoy cold weather much. As a matter of fact, after John finished his masters degree at BYU I told him I didn't care where we lived as long as it was warmer than Utah. So we moved to Southern California. It was great...I loved it there! But after two and a half years and a job change we found ourselves back in Happy Valley, where we both were raised. Now I am cold from October till March.

Last Friday DH told me that he had made reservations at Daniels Summit Lodge for us to spend Sunday night and then go snowmobiling on Monday morning. The plan was that we would take our two youngest daughters and have a great time. A great time? In the snow? I didn't think so!!! But I put a smile on my face and packed some warm clothes and Sunday afternoon headed off to Daniels Summit.

Okay, this is the part where I have to admit that I really DID have a great time. DD2, my riding partner, told me before we got started that she had a "need for speed", and indeed she did! She had a great time driving the machine through the snow. John was even able to convince Jocelyn that she should take a turn driving and, once she got over her initial fear, she wouldn't let dad take control again.

It's good for us to step out of our comfort zones every now and again. Last weekend we created memories that can never be taken from us. I'll never forget the 360 degree view of the beautiful snow covered mountains and valleys as we sat on top of the world. Or the giggles and squeals as sisters raced to see who could go fastest. Yes, I had a great time...and I didn't even freeze to death!


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Kairle! Love the photos!

  2. Brrrr...

    It's hard to imagine! Sam just walked in the door and said "why isn't the air conditioner on? You know how hot it is in here? It's 80 degrees!"

    I need to show him this!... but then he'd want to go and there goes my fabric ;-)
